
This is a place for me to post about my life as a stay at home mum living in the UK. An American married to a British man.

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I am a stay at home mum to five children. I am an American living in the UK. I home-educate the two older ones. The two younger ones are in school, and the baby is still home, so we have both worlds in our house.
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Friday, 28 September 2012

Little one baking!

Making Grammy Metcalfe's Oat Biscuits.

Today I did some baking with little K. It was the first time I let her do alot of it. She was rolling the dough out and cutting them out. She loved it. She would roll it out and then ask if it was thin enough. If it wasn't then she would keep rolling. 

She loved cutting them out. 

More cutting. 

Some of the uncooked biscuits waiting to go into the oven. 

She is so little she could not reach high enough to roll and cut so she sat on the counter. :)  

I kept having to remind her not to cut one on top of the other. To cut next to each other. 

working hard on rolling. 

She was quite amused that it stuck to the roller when it got to sticky.

More rolling. 

Enjoying her fruits of her labor!

1 comment:

Jacqueline said...

Hello, Patti (Mum)!
What an adorable daughter you have! She will undoubtable be a great baker one day! I am so glad to 'meet' you, and hope we can be mutually encouraging :)
Blessings to you, dear lady.