
This is a place for me to post about my life as a stay at home mum living in the UK. An American married to a British man.

I can not post everyday but will post as often as I can.

Hope you enjoy reading.

Our Favourite Books

About Me

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I am a stay at home mum to five children. I am an American living in the UK. I home-educate the two older ones. The two younger ones are in school, and the baby is still home, so we have both worlds in our house.
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Tuesday, 28 August 2012


There is a saying in Texas, If you don't like the weather stick around and it might just change.....Well I think that saying is true to living here as well.

Beautiful sun shinning day! After the cold rainy day we had yesterday today we are outside playing in short sleeves and enjoying the sun. The children have been bike riding, scooter-ing, we have clothes on the line, Even cant keep the littlest one in the house. They all love the sunshine. its days like this that you dont want to think about the cold dark days that are coming. 

Enjoy the sun that God has given to you today! Go out and make your own sunshine if you don't have the sun today. Make someone smile. Thats what I tell my kids, make someone happy and you will feel happy. :)

Monday, 27 August 2012

thought for the day

"The rain drops are falling on my head..." well not literally but that song has been running around in my head all day as rain has been falling and I mean really falling. After a few weeks of gorgeous weather it has turned cold and now it is raining. Last full week before school starts and the weather has reminded us that Autumn (fall) is definitely on its way. That time a year again when you start to think about what things you can do to keep the littles busy on a cold rainy/snowy day....wait a minute this is only August! Its not even cold time of the year....well the weather could have fooled me. :)

Friday, 24 August 2012

How to Start.....

How to actually starting writing on a blog can be so complex to some people. You don't want frivolous words just being typed out, they need to have some meaning to them. A blog is supposed to be about your life and your family. But you don't indulge to much info as you want to keep your privacy.

In our day and age it is something that as our family is so spread out across the world there is the technology to still keep in touch via telephone and email and then there are blogs!

Blogs can be deceitful if not written truthfully. I have read blogs of others that always are so happy and never seem to have there downs. How can you think you are really reading the truth if you never read of there struggles? Well we actually have our ups and downs or highs and lows whatever you want to call it. And as this is a diary might just get both. :)